“As a mom, the only thing I can hope for any of my children is that they learn to love and they learn to love good because I can dream of them going to university or college, but if they don’t have love to give to others I just feel like they don’t have much… Continue reading
SMM 003: What It Means to be a “Good Mom” + Why You Are the Perfect Mom for Your Kids || Becky Squire
“We have our strengths and we have our weaknesses but we need to focus on our strengths and realize that Heavenly Father gave us those strengths to serve our kids because that’s what they needed.” -Becky Squire Show Recap This episode is an interview with Becky Squire. Becky is a writer, wife, and mom to four kids,… Continue reading
SMM 002: Navigating Loss, Special Needs and Fostering as a Young Mom || Alie Jones
Episode 2 of the Spiritually Minded Mom podcast is an interview with Alie Jones. When Alie got married, she and her husband had their whole life planned out perfectly, but Alie’s motherhood journey has not been easy and has been anything but her perfect plan. Through everything she has gone through, Alie has learned to… Continue reading
SMM 001: Welcome to the Spiritually Minded Mom Podcast
I’ve always thought of myself as a writer (not a speaker) and while I love listening to podcasts, I never thought I would actually be the host of one. But here I am. I won’t bore you with all the details of how I got here, but I will say that God has led me… Continue reading