On today’s episode of the Spiritually Minded Mom Podcast I interview Elizabeth Frazier, a wife, mother, sex trafficking victim and survivor and creator of Hero Bands. Sex Trafficking Victim to Mother and Advocate Elizabeth’s story starts with an extremely difficult childhood where she was sexually trafficked by family members starting at the age of four…. Continue reading
Posts Tagged → motherhood
SMM 034: Why I Am Grateful For the Hardest Time in My Life || Darla Trendler
Over the past several weeks, I have felt prompted over and over to share more of my own story of growing closer to God and learning how to rely on Him. What I am sharing in this episode is the hardest time I have experienced in my life. It revolves around a lengthy trial that… Continue reading
Why You Don’t Need to Compare Your Spiritual Journey || Monica Packer
Has motherhood been anything but natural for you? How do you mother multiple children who are all so different? Does God really speak to you as an individual? Why isn’t your spiritual journey the same as someone else’s? If these are questions you have asked yourself, you are not alone. Today I am airing a… Continue reading
SMM 033: The Significance of Motherhood When You Are Not a Mother || Cami DeWitt
Cami DeWitt, my guest for episode 33, has an interesting and powerful perspective on motherhood because she is not a mother herself. Cami has never been married and has no children of her own, however you will relate to the things she shares. “Hi, I’m Cami and I am light, love and happiness. I bring… Continue reading