Tarrin Pendergrass and her husband were recently married and with her marriage, she went from being a mom to three to a mom of 10 as her husband has seven kids in addition to her three. Although the transition to blending families into one hasn’t always been easy, Tarrin feels God has equipped her with… Continue reading
SMM 017: Life as a Military Family + Appreciating Motherhood After Infertility + Trusting God’s Timing || Noralee Jones
My guest in episode 17 of the Spiritually Minded Mom podcast is Noralee Jones. Her husband is a naval officer, they have three children under the age of 4 and they just moved to a new state. She goes by Mrs. Navy Mama on social media and writes on her blog about motherhood and life as a… Continue reading
SMM 016: Practical Scripture Study for Moms + How to Go In Instead of Out to Find Peace || Courtney Casper
Courtney Casper is my guest on this week’s podcast. Courtney is a mom to three girls, a wife and currently lives about 30 minutes from the nearest stop light, so she spends a lot of time in her car. She thinks of scripture study as a “magic wand” in motherhood and has found practical ways… Continue reading
SMM 015: Balance + Overcoming Feelings of Failure + True Self-Care in Motherhood || Elise Curtis
Show Recap Elise Curtis is a wife, mom to three and an entrepreneur. In addition to a photography and a Maskcara business, Elise is also the founder of SALT, an LDS retreat that offers a place for women to come together to feel the Spirit and connect. During our conversation Elise and I have a… Continue reading