Do you ever feel powerless, worn out or helpless in your parenting? What if you had the perfect parenting coach on speed dial who was always available, knew your child better than you do, could advise you on the right decision to make every time and never made a mistake? What if you could have… Continue reading
Post Category → Life on earth
The Secret to Being the Mom You Want to Be
I remember as a teenager seeing moms in the grocery store whose children were completely out of control–throwing things out of the cart, throwing things off the store shelves. Often I would look at the mom and think, “My kids will never act that way,” or “I will never let that happen when I’m a… Continue reading
My Kid Threw Sand and Called a Dad “The Worst Neighbor Ever” and I’m Still a Good Mom
Recently, I was at a doctor’s appointment where I was relaying an experience to my doctor where one of my kids did something that was completely inappropriate. I followed up with a comment about how I was failing as a mother, disguised as a joke but sadly, exactly how I felt. We laughed and continued… Continue reading
What does God expect from mothers and fathers?
There are a lot of things God wants from mothers and fathers, but today I want to share six principles of Christ-centered parenting that have meant the most to me: 1. Appreciate each family member’s unique divine gifts One of the reasons I know there’s a God is that I can see glimpses of divinity… Continue reading