Do you ever feel powerless, worn out or helpless in your parenting? What if you had the perfect parenting coach on speed dial who was always available, knew your child better than you do, could advise you on the right decision to make every time and never made a mistake?
What if you could have a perfect parenting coach?
Recently, I was scrolling through Instagram and read a post by a popular blogger who occasionally posts about her struggles as a mother. She was sharing she had tried everything she could think of to help her struggling child but nothing was working.
I could totally relate.
A few days before I had been receiving disheartening text messages from a discouraged child during the day. Things weren’t going well at school. I desperately wanted to offer support and comfort but wasn’t sure what I should type back.
Should I use “tough love” and tell my child to buck up? Should I empathize or commiserate? Should I simply say, “We’ll talk when you get home.” I was at a complete loss.
The mother on Instagram was at a loss, too. We were both in need of a little help, advice and perhaps some comforting of our own from a perfect parenting coach.
We Don’t Have to Do it Alone
The blogger decided to pray about how to help her child, and God gave her an answer she didn’t expect. In fact, the answer was completely opposite of what she thought was right for her child.
She trusted God and made a decision to follow the answer He gave her. Since following God’s advice her child had completely turned things around and is now thriving.
I made a comment on the blogger’s Instagram post and simply said,
“I love how God is our partner in parenting. We don’t have to do it alone.”
Who is the “Perfect Parenting Coach?”
God is our perfect parenting coach. He has entrusted us to care for, teach and love our children (who happen to be His children too). He truly wants to help us be good parents and He won’t abandon us in our important work of parenting.
I love how one mother, who expressed how she frequently feels inadequate, summed up her relationship with God.
Through the thick and the thin of this, and through the occasional tears of it all, I know deep down inside I am doing God’s work. I know my motherhood is an eternal partnership with Him.
A Partner with God
The day when I wanted to mother my child in the best way possible but the right words to text seemed out of reach, I silently prayed for help. “Heavenly Father, help me know what to text back.”
Later, I looked back at the words I had typed out hopefully on my smartphone to my child who needed me, and I was surprised by what I had written. What came out on my end was not what I would typically say.
In a moment of motherhood where I felt lost, I wasn’t alone. God was on speed dial through prayer. He had given me the words I needed to say. I didn’t know exactly what my child needed, but God did.
I have seen God partner with me in my mothering in many different ways.
Sometimes the help comes through prayer, as it did when I prayed to know what to text.
Other times I have been guided in my parenting by reading the scriptures or an inspirational book.
He has walked incredible mentors into my path. Like the time I was stressed out about potty training and another mom who had “been there, done that” put her arm around me and assured me my 3-year-old would know how to use the bathroom before he left for college!
God has been there at the exact moment and in the perfect way I needed him in my parenting journey.
He has inspired me, guided me and sometimes corrected me but relying on his wisdom has made all the difference for me and for my children.
Motherhood is a divine role.
As a mother, you have access to God who is always available, knows your child better than you do, can advise you on the right decision to make every time and who never makes a mistake–the perfect parenting coach.
When have you felt and seen God as your partner in motherhood?