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4. Share our articles with the world at large
Going beyond your own friends & family, there are millions of people reading through the Internet every day in search of answers to life’s questions. We encourage you to find these conversations — whether they’re in a forum, another blog, a social network or other places — then insert yourself into the conversation with a link back to a relevant article from this blog.

5. Contribute an article of your own
When you feel ready, we’d love to hear your story. Sharing your motherhood experiences in written form with the Spiritually Minded Mom reader base is a great way to help others. Submit your story here!

We would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to all those who have worked and are working to help us spread the word. Like you, we feel that helping other moms know that God is a part of their parenting is one of the greatest joys we can experience in life. May the Lord bless you!